Lee Posna, LMSW, Psychotherapist
Adults & Adolescents
In Person & Telehealth Locations
Psychoanalysis is a practice of freedom. Its aim is to allow one to be capable of a free act and to create a place in the world for one's own desire. The journey toward a free act, emerging through speech, in explorations of fears and passions, repetitions and encounters, tastes, jokes, anecdotes—is necessarily one we undertake together. If the ground of human experience is relational, the reworking of that ground too must be conducted with and through the other.
I believe from personal experience—my own and that of my patients—in the reality of change, in our growing capacity for interventions into our thought- and feeling-patterns, in a widening range of self- and other-experience. This kind of clinical work is not filled with jargon and advice, but presence and speech. It's the pursuit of a singular, uncharted course toward making contact with one's inner life. The only rule is to say whatever comes into your head: all feelings and thoughts are embraced beyond judgment; tangents, wanderings off-script are highly encouraged.
At present I work with adults of all ages and backgrounds, relationship structures and orientations, and engage in deep listening with all my senses and (forty-two) years. My lifelong exercise of presence and connection with people across wide gulfs of experience gives me a unique perspective from which to engage with my patients. The development of my unconscious faculties through the practice of poetry—the art of overhearing self and other—has also contributed greatly to my practice of psychoanalysis.
Lee Posna, LMSW received a Masters in social work from Hunter College and an MFA in Creative Writing from the Iowa Writers Workshop. He is a candidate at the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, as well as a published poet and translator.